Friday, December 30, 2011

it's time!

dear baby eric,

long story short: it's time!  my water broke at 11 pm last night. your dad and i got to the hospital only to learn that i was just 1 cm dilated. we've been here almost 6 hours now.

more updates to come.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


dear baby eric,

firmly into our 37th week. cramping regularly at night, irregular contractions, groin and leg pain, back pain -- you name it, i think i'm experiencing it. and it looks like my baby milk jugs are in proper working order, too. i just freaked myself out by squirting colostrum out my boobs.

...and here's a photo of my belly compared to your father's. would you believe he's sticking his gut out as far as possible?


any day now, baby!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


dear baby eric,

we're 36 weeks along now. had a bit of a scare last night when i thought my water might've broken while i was dealing with an upset stomach. i've been experiencing contractions sporadically since saturday evening when i found myself in the hospital with bad cramps and an awful headache. i thought maybe those were symptoms of high blood pressure, but tests showed that my numbers were very normal -- the lowest they've been in months. however, my heart rate sky rocketed and yours did too, so i was kept at the hospital for a few hours for observation and so that my rates could normalize. thankfully they did.

but all these things make me think that you may make your debut before new year's.

we'll see!

34 weeks!

my belly's starting to look a bit lower indicating that you're dropping.

35 weeks!

36 weeks!

you're getting quite cramped in there...